YJ-20型高压泵体积小、重量轻、功率小、流量大。弥补中小型高压泵流量不足的缺陷,并相对大型泵具有价格便宜的优势。故此款泵型深受工业领域高压泵使用者和经销商的喜爱。 特点:高强度、耐腐蚀黄铜锻造泵头,氧化发黑精密铸造散热片结构曲轴箱,硬化、精磨曲轴。更耐用,寿命长,耐磨损高等级陶瓷柱塞,强化、一体式铝合金连杆,U型运动密封组件,强化的高低压单向阀,效率更高,高等级双斜滚针轴承 Product description:YJ-20type high pressure pump small volume, light weight, small and great flow of power. Make up for small and medium high pressure pump flow the weakness of, and relatively large pump has the advantage of cheap price. Therefore pump type of industrial field by high pressure pump users and dealers of love. YJ-20型参数表: 产品型号 柱塞直径 (mm) 柱塞行程 (mm) 额定压力(MPa) 额定流量(L/min) 主轴转速(min-1) 电机功率( KW ) YJ-20 18 14 24 15 1450 7.5 28 21 15 54 1450 15 28 26 15 70 1450 22 18 21 35 22 1450 15 18 21 50 22 1450 22 16 21 50 15 1450 15 18 50 60 30 1000 37